Kitchen disposal

Fun fact:
What is a garbage disposal? 
This device breaks down food kitchen disposal waste into tiny particles (about 1-2 millimeter in size) which are then passed through plumbing.
The reasoning behind using garbage disposals is to process food scraps as human waste. It's estimated that 34 million tons of food ends up in landfills annually in the United States alone. By utilizing garbage disposals, food waste will travel toward present underground sewers and wastewater treatment plants where they can be processed into renewable energy or fertilizer products - in other words, it is a considerably greener approach.
In case you do not have one already, we encourage you to buy a garbage disposal so you can stop sending your leftovers to landfills! Naturally, composting is another green solution to handle food waste and it is a great choice in case you live in an area where composting is not inconvenient. But for most families garbage disposals are the merely practical, suitable, long term option.
How can garbage disposals work?
They are nothing like it although garbage disposals appear similar for your average blender. Blenders have blades, garbage disposals have NO blades. Instead, in case you ever look into a unit, you will see two impeller arms mounted on an impeller (a round disk) that spin and induce food garbage right into a shredder quietly. It is not dissimilar to shredding cheese but with great force and rate. Food waste become really small, almost like liquid, with running water in your wastewater pipes where they're flushed.

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